
Shown below are just some of the reviews that riders have sent in to us. If you have been on one of our courses and would like to send a review, please email us at

Catt's Review

Ive wanted to ride a motorbike for years, and in 2009 decided to do something about it. I went to my local bike school, thinking they were all the same (Big Mistake).

Anyway i had some lessons, and went in for my Mod 1 test. During my emergency stop, i panicked and grabbed my brakes which lead to a bad fall, smashing my shoulder and arm, so bad i was told there was a chance i could lose my arm. They managed to save my arm (well it looks ok) but 18 months later and after two major ops, i only have 30% use of it.

Mad as it may seem, i still wanted my bike licence.

This time i did my home work, i found CBT at Mallory Park, i read all the reviews about them and phoned them more than once to ask questions, then arranged a course.

My biggest worry (and i had lots) was lack of confidence, i needed to get it back.

WOW, these guys were just what i needed. They taught me more in my first day, then i'd learnt from the beginning of my biker days.

CBT only have a small group of 4 to 5 people, compared to my first school who had double. Everyone get the same tuition, and if you grasp it straight away, fab, go and practice, if not then they stay with you till you do. And if your a thicko like me, and dont understand, they show you another way to do it. Simple.

They encourage you to try all the different bikes they have, they never push you, its all about going at your own pace, and feeling comfortable and safe.

The classroom stuff, was so helpful too, showing you road positioning and so on. No question is too daft for them, they have heard it a million times over.

The first school i went too,told me i "not to use my rear brake i didnt need it",( i thought well why is there?But they know more than me, so i believed them). Dave instructed me on when and how to use it, and guess what? It really works.

Clutch control is something the first school gave me two minutes on, then it was left up to me to find out how it worked. Dave finally made it make sense, and its a lot easier when you understand how it works and why.

Counter Steering, the first school told me it was for experienced riders. Not So if you want to get round a bend safe, then you need to know how to do it, and guess what?. It works.

Emergency stops and the swerve test, were set up on the track, this was hard one for me, but Dave made it so easy. He told me to go at my own pace and practice, i could build up my speed later. And guess what, it works.

The first bike school told me, " we dont teach you to ride, we teach you to pass a test".Well maybe if they had taught me to ride, i would still have a arm that works 100%.

Sean and Dave taught me to control and ride my bike safely and with confidence, there was never any pressure just encouragement These guys have the facilities the knowledge, the patience but most of all, they have passion, and if you get to meet them, you will know what i mean by the passion.

Dont make the mistake i made, thinking every bike school is the the same, there is good and bad out there, find out all you can about the school, read the reviews people write. Im not the type of person to write a review i usually cant be bothered, but i think this is important, even if you decide not to go here, please be careful, i was lucky my accident could have been a lot worse. If your going to do it, go with the best and these guys are THE VERY BEST.

Sean and Dave i can never thank you enough. Its wasnt easy but you got me there. Ive been out everyday on my 650 Bandit and bloody love it. Will send you some pics soon. Im coming back for the cornering course in a few months

Carly's Review

Hi Sean & Dave.....

Just wanted to say thank you for teaching me to ride and not just teaching me enough to 'get through' my test! (like most schools do). I found the classroom based tutoring as well as the track, very beneficial.

I was very nervous about coming up to Mallory park and riding on the track...... But when I met you guys you made me feel at ease and I thoroughly enjoyed the track after all!!!

I had lost my passion for riding, mainly due to the school I was with. Didn't feel comfortable and dreaded the thought of if I did anything wrong! Also found them to be very unprofessional..... This is when I started to ring round to find alternative schools...... And ended up finding you guys! Wish I had started my training with you from the beginning. I felt so welcome and met really nice people, and also learnt how to ride PROPERLY.

Wish more schools had your approach to training

Thanks again! I'm super happy now I'm out on my bike :)))

Will see you guys soon and will do the adv cornering course...... probably be next year though :(

Take Care

Carly : Feb 2016

James's Review

Dear Sean, Sam and Dave,

I am now back in Dubai – have not managed to buy a bike yet, but I am certainly on the look-out.

I just wanted to write a note to say thank you for all of your support and guidance, not just in getting me to a point where I could pass the test, but going beyond that to teach me how to actually ride a bike safely and properly – this was exactly what I was looking for.

I have been well aware of the potential dangers involved in riding a bike from the beginning, and learning things like countersteering and emergency stopping on a bend have made me feel a lot more comfortable and prepared to reduce the level of danger as much as I can.

In fact I think it was the fact that we had practiced emergency stopping on a bend that saved me getting into an accident when that moronic driver in the BMW didn’t look and came out flying onto the roundabout nearly taking me out.

Serious stuff aside, I had a great week and really enjoyed it. Learning on the track for the first couple of days was not only fun, but allowed us to learn the physical aspects of riding a bike and cornering at speed etc before getting out in front of traffic.

I will take the cornering course when I return to the UK to live (hopefully in about 18 months), and look forward to a bit more banter in the process!

Hope you are all well!

James 25/2/2016

Adam's Review

Dear Sean, Sam and Dave,

As promised and deserved I wanted to send a heart felt thanks for all your time and effort whilst I was under your tution for my DAS course, w.c. 06/09/15.

For anyone after a bike licence looking for the right school, and I know there's plenty out there, in my opinion the right choice are these guys. There's a little extra to commit costwise (when compaired with some) but the return you get in experience, knowledge and value for money is second to none. As aforemented by a previous review I too had somehow been granted a CBT pass by another school. Which is shocking really given the poor standard of riding I had before attending Mallory Park. 

Day 1 was one to remember, secondly only to test day. To say I'd had maybe an hour on a bike before hand, by the end of the day I was riding a 600 Bandit around Mallory Park and trying, but failing, to keep up with the guys on their advanced course. It was awesome and had I failed it would have still been worth paying, just for that.

I don't know if my test day will be used as a "what not to do" but needless to say I scraped through my mod 1 (no reflection on the guys).This was possibly thanks to a bit of luck and an examiners wife giving her husband more than just a bowl of Cornflakes in bed that morning. After that I was a bag of nerves mindful of the fact I'd pulled a shocker. Rather than ride the bike to death before my mod 2, Sean sat me down and I was told exactly what I needed to hear. Mod 2 was taken by a slightly less leanient examiner and somehow I passed. I got a few minors, mostly for un-ecofriendly riding (whoever dreamt up that needs a slap) but needless to say me passing was entirely down to the expert instruction of Sean and Dave.
For anyone taking their test, I wish you the best of luck and hope you make the right choice and use Circuit Based Training.

Many thanks again and I look forward to seeing you both for the advanced class.

Kind regards


Murray's Review

Hi buddy,

Again many thanks for the training I received. You guys should be very proud of what you run at Mallory.
Here is my review of the 4 day direct access.

My course started when calling CBT ltd to book my course, I was talked through their learning programme and then advised which course would match my bike/ road experience.
For people who do not know me, I have been driving since 2005 and the morning of the 13/02/2012 I had never ridden a geared bike.

My morning started with a nice hot cup of tea followed by a quick classroom session to give you an understanding of what you will be taught over the next few days.
In no time at all I was standing on track with two 600cc bikes. I was already being show test questions which if your a driver will relate to this as the 'show and tell' section of the car test.

I spent the next few hours learning techniques which will save my life one day. I was completely shocked when I was told that other companies do not and will not try to teach you these techniques. The classroom sections really link in with the track sessions and everything seems to link in seamlessly. 

By the end of the first day I was riding around the local roads of Mallory which gave me a chance to put some of my new skills to use on public roads. Everything you learn at Mallory makes sense on track and on the road it makes MORE sense, it gives you more time at junctions so you are able to relax and just make you a safer rider.

All through the course I felt relaxed and CBT ltd is run very very well. I can not rate these guys enough. I haven't shut up about you guys to my friends and family and would say if you are thinking or about to book your bike training......Make sure its with CBT ltd it will make you a safer more relaxed biker with a bigger understanding of what is going on around you and if the worst should happen how to get your ass out of a situation quickly and safely.

CBT ltd even take the worries and hassel out of booking your test, when you are trying to learn a new skill such as riding and passing the test the last thing you want is having to make sure if you get your test booked in the correct centre, making sure your on time and making sure there are no mess up's with the DSA booking system. I turned up for my Mod 1 on Friday and got talking to another guy taking his test (or what he thought) there was a complication with his booking meaning he had to return the following week. 
My test time was given to me half way through the week and all I had to do was book my course with CBT ltd.

In short :-
Monday morning - I had never been on a geared bike.
Friday 1pm - I had passed my Mod 1 and Mod 2.

A massive thanks to everyone at CBT ltd 

Thanks for everything mate and I will be back for the extra courses 100%

Murray Luker 22/2/2016

Tim's Review

Hi Sean,

Dropping in a quick review of the Advanced cornering course i did with yourselves on 16/05/2016, firstly please thank all your staff for looking after us so well on the day, we were greeted as we arrived, and being offered a hot drink straight away was appreciated after my ride down from Sheffield (chilly morning up north lol) the Morning briefing before we went on track was both enlightening and entertaining, it was good to hear the other participants opinions and thoughts, it also cleared up a lot of the myth`s we are told about cornering and what`s needed to do it well.

Then on to the track session, with only two other guys and doing it at our own pace was relaxing and eased any nerves I had, with a few words from you on our technique it was surprising how quickly we all improved and got faster building our confidence both for left and right turns, doing this on a track enviroment is probably the only place it could be taught safely, as the afternoon went on I was surprised how quickly I was getting around the bends whilst still well within my comfort zone.

The session on an emergency stop on a bend at above 60 mph ( I think my quickest was 80) was a real eye opener, and having been in the situation like so many other riders out on the road, where we have panic braked and gone over onto the other side of the white lines (praying nothing is coming the other way) would never have believed such a manoeuvre was possible without losing the front end and sliding down the tarmac.

After a nice ride back home and a play in the twisty bits using what you taught I can thoroughly recommend this course to any rider no matter what their experience level.

A massive thank you to you and all your team

Tim Burgan (May 2016)

John's Review

Hi Sean
Just a quick email to say many thanks for the training you have given me , mod 2 test tomorrow , pass or fail it makes no difference(well ok maybe it does, I know you'll be as gutted as I will be if I get a fail).
Why did I choose circuit based training ? I'd looked at the local schools and couldn't really find one that inspired me. A friend bought me Sean's book and once I had given it a read I knew where I wanted to do my training I didn't care if it was more expensive and 100 miles from the local schools the day I sat and passed my theory test was the day I booked the course (i booked a 5 day course , since I hadn't ridden a bike before).So a couple of weeks later , having fitting it into being able to take a holiday from work, here I am at the end of day 4 feeling more than ready for tomorrow's mod 2 test.

What Sean teaches you shouldn't be just what Sean teaches it should be the standard every school should teach.
How many schools teach what they should rather than the basic minimum they have to ? Yes Sean has the advantage of the Mallory circuit where you learn to confidently pull an emergency stop from approaching 100 miles per hour , an emergency stop at normal road speeds becomes almost a none event ( should the need ever arise) , with Sean's teachings you learn to read the road and hopefully never have to do said stop, but, it's always nice to know you can.
Counter steering is something everyone should know and, whilst it seems counter intuative, once you actually try it and see it really does work you have to wonder why they're not shouting it from the rooftops . Bends become not bends and more just slightly less straight.
Sean himself , well , what can be said . He is brilliant.

John Travers 22/5/2016

Keith's Review

I recent took my motorcycle riding training and licensing test using Circuit Based Training, having used two other companies to try and achieve the same goal.
My experience with the two other companies was that once they got your commitment to employ them, the milking process started.

I was on the verge of giving up when I came across Circuit Based Training, when I discussed my needs with them it was simply succinct and to the point, they will train you to pass your test, ride confidently, and pass mod 1 and 2 in four days. They do what they say in a professional, dedicated manner, with your objectives in mind. So that when you pass the test's you are able to ride in a safe competent, manner with out putting your self at risk.

It dose what it says on the box...Way to go CBT.

Keith Liscott 19/5/2016

Garry's Review

To Sean and Dave,

I would like to thank you guys for the priceless experience and confidence I gained for the advanced cornering course.

I learned so much that day, especially in the class that morning ,Shaun explanations on approach positioning , gearing and the correct method of steering etc made sense straight away and if it didn't make sense he took the time to find another method to explain to me until it made sense .

Whereas, the numerous times I have asked my brother and mates to explain how they corner because when we are riding they make it look so easy , none of their explanations made any sense to me .

My time on the track when far better than I expected , which was definitely down to the teaching methods and the advice given on track by Sean and Dave, as they observe your cornering whilst riding along side you .

And if that don't work as it didn't for me straight away , Shaun recommend a pavilion ride and for me being on the back whilst Shaun went up and down the track(extremely fast ) gave me the biggest insight to what cornering is really about .

I can't wait to go back to learn how to put my knee down 😎😎😎😎😎😎😎

Garry Cy 16/05/2015

Gary Bell's Review

Gary Bell's Review

A big thank you to Sean and Dave who took me from a non-rider to full licence, with only 2 minors over both tests, within 5 days.

The reason I choose Circuit Based Training (CBT ) was that I didn't just want to pass my test I also wanted to be a safer rider and that's what I feel you get from CBT. E.g. you'll learn how to corner using counter steering and get to practice emergency stops, in a straight line and on corners, at whatever speed you feel comfortable.

I turned up on the Monday morning having only ridden a 125, 20 years ago. On the first day, after a relaxed classroom session, we got on the bikes and started slow riding in the paddock, then progressed onto the track. This was great because you get to learn to ride and build and your confidence in a safe environment away from the hazards of the road.

Interestingly on the first day we were joined by another rider, that had passed their test, but they were not confident cornering which I thought was a bit of a concern but it was more a reflection on the quality of training received (obviously not at CBT) rather than the individual in question. I even ended up joining their training session in the afternoon as I had been practicing on the track, under Dave's tuition, and I was already feeling confident about my cornering ability. The rest of the week was split between track/paddock for mod 1 and junction training and road riding. At the start/end of each day either Sean or Dave would ask what you wanted to do - ultimately you are the only one that knows how comfortable you are and if required they would split the group up. My approach was to start with Mod 1 practice then go out on the road and finish off with more mod 1.

When it came to test day I had and an early test times, but Dave and Sean were very flexible and Dave came in early to enable me to get a bit of Mod 1 practice before we set off for the test centre. This was at my request and a complete godsend - by the time we left for the test centre I was feeling more relaxed and had re-established that all important clutch control. Clearly the nerves were there when I started the test but having spent so much time practising and having done swerve tests and emergency stops at higher speeds than the test requires the test itself went really well - I know it's easy for me to say now but it almost felt straight forward and I passed with no minors!

Mod 2 i'd been out with Sean the day before and he took me around some of the traps that the tester likes to take you on, e.g. turning right at the end of one way streets etc. He also took me to the test centre and we rode out of the exit as I'd have to on the day of the test, it doesn't sound like much but it helps! I can't say that I was 100% confident, as you never know what might happen, but I will say that I felt prepared and I knew that I could pass and that is all thanks to Dave and Sean and the advice/tips they gave me throughout the training. I passed with 2 minors and one of those was for being a little too cautious, I didn't mind as I was on a test and you are bound to be a little nervous, sorry Sean I know you had told me not to be!

I apologise if I've waffled on but in summary I would recommend this course to anyone that is looking to pass their bike test. It's all done in a relaxed yet professional manner that enables you quickly build your confidence in riding and controlling the bike. It may not be the cheapest but it is worth the investment , at the end of the day you only have to pass the test once but you'll ride for a lifetime!

Thanks again and I'll see you for the advanced cornering course at some point!

Chris's Review

Chris's Review

Sean / Dave

Thought i'd drop you guys a few lines in appreciation of getting me through my DAS course with a first time pass! I had a fantastic time and thankyou for doing everything in your power to do as much as possible when the bad snow and weather took hold the other week. You guys were flexible enough to work the course around the weather safely doing the classroom work when we couldn't get out and as soon as it was safe we were out. If anything I thought the bad weather was beneficial - i'm confident in riding in the wet now.

I was really impressed with the content of the course Something that by the looks of other comments on this page hasn't gone unnoticed so i won't waffle on about it! Loved the fact that it's not designed around you doing your test but more around creating a safe, skilled and informed rider who understands the bike and what its doing, which in turn helps you get it to do what you want. After all you only have to pass the test once, you have to ride safely for the rest of your life.

After having some experience with other local training schools it was clear to me that you weren't just about getting bums on seats and really took the time with each and every one of us. So far it's the best thing i've done this year!

I like the fact it was a relaxed yet professional learning environment which really assisted in my learning.I've recommended you to so many people already, I can't believe it when I talk to people who have been riding 15years and don't know half the stuff you guys taught me in four days!.... Now all that's left to do is buy my new bike and then I'll be back in the summer for the cornering course!...See you all then, remember mines white no sugar...I'll bring the donuts :)

Cheers Guys!

Chris Capewell

Gary Wilson's Review

Gary Wilson's Review

Dave, Pete, Wes

Having never ridden a bike before, I was a little apprehensive before I started the course. Within a few hours of driving through the Mallory Gates on that first morning, I would never have guessed that I would have been riding up and down the paddock with nothing to worry about!

Dave went through everything in a slow, logical order that made the three of us on our course feel at ease immediately. There was plenty of spare kit to choose from if you don't have your own. Dave has a laid back friendly style of teaching that made us all feel at ease which made learning enjoyable - there was also lots of banter between us all which made us feel relaxed.

There were a selection of bikes to choose from - I remember Dave saying to me "whets the point of learning on a 125cc if your going to be riding a 600cc?" so I chose a Yamaha 600cc. He might have phrased it slightly differently - if you know Dave you will know what I mean! Before we went near the roads, we managed to get out onto the track and were practising emergency stops at 50 / 60mph with Dave and Wes, which was good. I only had to do one at 30mph on my test, which seemed easy after the higher speed track practise. While we were on the track, we also did counter-steering which is a bizarre concept until you try it - it works! 

Once out on the roads, myself and Steve went out with Dave and the other Steve went out with Pete. Dave gave both of us a chance of riding at the front and gave us lots of positive feedback as we were riding via the headset. He took us out on a variety of roads and once we knew where we were taking our tests, took us out on the test routes.

On the day of my test, I wasn't as nervous as I thought. I knew if I rode as I had been taught, I wouldn't have any problems - I was still a bit surprised when I passed!

When looking for somewhere to learn, Mallory was a little more expensive than the the other places I looked at. However...when you consider that I was confidently riding at 70mph before I went anywhere near the road, I believe that's worth the extra.

To summarise... Turned up on Monday having never ridden, passed test Thursday morning, arranged to go and look at a bike to buy before I had even left Mallory and bought a CBR600RR on the Friday!

Great course, 10/10.

Gary Wilson

Shaun's Review

Shaun's Review

Sean, Tim, Wes

Thank you so much for your help last week during the "advanced cornering course" my only reservation before attending was "can i really afford this course ?" well i can now honestly provide the answer.........." i couldn't afford not too"
I've only been riding for just under 3 years and recently purchased a brand new Yamaha R6 after after 2 very happy years riding an old Kwak ZX6!! i have always felt that I'm safer than the average rider and worried more about damaging my bike should i have an accident. I have found the course however a true life saver ! the lads picked up on several bad habits i was unaware of, one of these being my breaking. By the end of the day they had re trained my brain and re flexes to brake safely and correctly and the section on cornering during a bend is nothing short of priceless......90 MPH round a corner, full lean on, then emergency stop !!! sounds crazy but when Wes taught us to do it correctly it felt natural after just a few attempts.
Around 6 months ago i was riding through the Langtons (B6047) in Leics following a friend who's a little more experienced than myself so i hung back a little but i could see his helmet over the hedge rows slowly increasing in distance so i presumed there was no hazards in the few hundred meters that separated us...wrong !! i entered a right hand bend and began to lean the bike in, half way around the corner on the apex i found a car sat in our lane with no lights on and soon realised it was stationary....the driver was looking to enter a farmers field but the gate was obviously closed !! No brake light or indicator until he saw a green Kwak in his rear view mirror coming toward him at an alarming speed. without the skills you have now given me i panicked and hit both brakes which brought the bike upright then believing it was not possible to stop on a bend at such a short distance i had only one chance to go round the car crossing the white line, then i spotted the car coming the other way....i ended up squeezing through both cars sitting on the white line and got through thanks to pure old luck !! I'm pretty sure both drivers would have heard a girly scream from beneath my helmet if they had listened and not thought that beeping and swearing was the answer to our situation.....
I still have a massive smile on my face one week later following the course and i sit here with bags more confidence and such a better understanding of my bike ! I cannot thank you all enough!! I've a lot of respect for bikes and biking is a true passion of mine and after your help i just want to learn more and more....
if anyone is looking to do a course or further there training with CBT and would like to speak with a truly satisfied customer please feel free to contact me on 07833 469 532. or you can email me and ill run you through what i have got out of the time you read this I may have completed more training !!!
i look forward to seeing you all at Mallory Park again very riding !!!
Shaun McCluskey
P.s please thank the camera man for me, I've now got around 200 amazing pics of the day to drive the misses crazy. I've ordered the video too so after a painful 20 mins last night watching my friends holiday video of him and his girlfriend and what seemed like a million "lovely back grounds" i cannot wait to return the favour as he does not share my love of biking !!!!

​Shaun McCluskey

Hi Sean.

Just a quick note of appreciation after doing your Advanced Road course with instructor Nick and my son Chris on 3rd June. My objective for the day was to extend the margins so that in everyday riding I avoid the ever-worrying potential for the "oh, sh*t!" moment that all bikers encounter every now and again.

Though I'm always open-minded, I expected a few yawns in the 2-hour classroom briefing. Not one; every minute kept me awake and learning, whether it was Nick's calm and analytical style or your own more - er - 'animated' one! It was good to reinforce my understanding - and dispel a few misunderstandings - about how to get a bike to turn.

The lunchtime track session gave a good insight into applying the active countersteering method to achieve high-speed wiggles. As for the Module 1 'Swerve Test' - what's all the fuss about?

In the afternoon we went around the lanes of Leicestershire and Warwickshire, with Nick's reassuring guidance through the earphones helping me apply the classroom and track stuff so that I felt confident and extended my margins. By the end of the day my riding was much faster, though it felt slower because I was much calmer. Thanks Nick for some excellent tuition and support.

As for Chris, he started the day being very hesitant at getting a bike through corners, but by the end I had trouble keeping up with him! He's since described it as "a turning point" for him - made the day for me!

Thanks again

Tim Ward

John Traver's Review

John Traver's Review

Hi Again,

Just thought I'd fire off a second review, since my first was pre mod 2 test.

The Mod 1 test was by far in my eyes the most difficult (in so much as there seems to be so much counting on that 10 minutes of slow(ish) riding)

Friday arrived , mod 2 day for me. Having had a peaceful nights sleep (the night before the mod 1 test had been so restless , running and re running the test through my head. What is it about the mod 1 that seems to get nearly everybody that way?) I woke refreshed and ready for anything.

9 a.m round to Circuit Based Training , do the checks on the bike, get a radio (do the radio check, swap to another radio) and off we go for a gentle saunter (Sean style) to Birmingham. Straight to the test centre, just for a quick look , test not until 11.16 (whats with the odd times?), then its off for a ride round the area for a little bit of familiarization. Stopped for a coffee (cheers Sean) and back to the test centre for the real deal.

Sean said when we got to the test centre he couldn't believe how calm I was. Well I'll be a big head here and say some of that was down to my temperament but mainly it was down to Sean's excellent teaching and the fact I thought a pass for me was so guaranteed.

Out on the test I go still feeling good , yes ok I had the odd arrrgghh moment, but to my mind nothing that wasn't completely safe , that is the most important thing after all. 40 minutes or so later we're turning back into the test centre and into the little room for the de-brief. De-brief, it felt more like the Spanish inquisition. I could feel my face getting flushed like it was burning up, oh man what had i done so wrong????? I stood and listened to the constructive criticism and eventually the examiner took my licence away....... so he could get the full A category added (Ha bet you all didn't see that one coming). I wonder if the examiners just like the chance to mess with your head?

Next destination is back to CBT Ltd. I let Sean lead us back, heck if I was in front we would have ended up in Edinburgh or somewhere. Chance for my wife to get some quick photos of me on the bike and say thanks to Sean then round to the office to say my farewells. I cannot thank Sean enough for his guidance and confidence in my abilities which helped me get through the test. For any one considering taking their bike test I would highly recommend Sean and his teaching methods, in fact I have told my wife if she changes her mind and decides to do her test this is where she will be doing it!

(A delighted) John Travers

John's Review

Hi Sean,

Just a quick email this time (well it can only be hoped)

The mod 2 test and his comments on my observing.......

Maybe i didnt make my observations uber obvious or he was just being arsy having thought it over on the way home (friday traffic made it a long drive home). There was only 2 or 3 right turns , which were all done after a line of traffic coming the other way (so who's coming up my right hand side) and you know what im like with roundabouts (for someone to cut me off from my right on the exit they would have had to be travelling impossibly fast (the test route was no more busy than it had been when we'd done our ride through earlier).

He did the whole pull up on my left hand side on a left turn out of a junction (id never initially intended stopping, there was a car indicating left etc, but i had one of those "i don't entirely trust them to make the maneuver they are indicating" so stopped etc)anyway i thought of what you had said gave him a look, pulled forward just a couple of inches stopped again and made him wait with a look of come on man were you born a dick or is it something you've been practicing for a while ;-)

Ah shoot I'm not bothered by all that , heck I got the certificate after all

So that's not the important part of or the real reason for this email.....

Following you back to Mallory....there's a reason i let you go in get to check the bends for me ( is that cheating do you think?).Anyway, couldn't tell you where it was, decent left hand bend, tree lined, at or near top of a hill . Just getting into the bend and a blue VW coming the other way decides bends are not his thing and would like maybe to straighten it out a bit and starts crossing the centre divider. Hmmm what to do? No fuss, no bother strategic use of the Jedi counter steering trick and some throttle and im away from his bow wave of destruction (I wonder what would have happened on the way back with another school???????)

For that many thanks ad infinitum


Andy's Review

Dear Sean and Dave,

I thought I will send you a quick email to thank you both for helping me to pass my motorcycle driving licence test.

It wasn't the first time when I tried to got into biking. In fact this was the third attempt for me to obtain a driving licence - I failed previously twice on the swerve manoeuvre. I was dreading this part of MOD 1! The previous schools I trained with in London did not have facilities to safely teach me how to do it properly. I am now wondering if they even had the know-how - no one mentioned to me counter-steering, using vanishing point to asses the turn etc. In one of the London Schools - we were practising swerve on an open road! Ridiculous and very dangerous idea. The other day we tried to practice it on a bus loop but were soon chased out from there. We could only swerve to the right - left was too dangerous because we would be swerving towards the curb; actually to me, not knowing much about it, swerving to the opposite lane of traffic was even more dangerous. After failing the same part of MOD1 twice and not being able to properly practice it, I've decided that enough is enough and I will not be wasting any more time and money on schools that don't even have facilities to train me in a safe way. 

Luckily I have found your school. Be able to practice on a racetrack, feel the speed, learn all the manoeuvres before heading to open roads - what a great idea! Sounds obvious to me now. This should be the only way to learn how to ride a motorbike. For the first time I had an opportunity to practice counter-steering, to feel how that helps in bends, when using it. On a first day - we have all learned how to safelybrake in the corner, while doing over 60mph!Before I didn't even know it is possible! Each day we could practice the elements that we felt we needed to work on, in our own pace. Area to practice MOD1 was laid out and ready for us to use when we wanted. I must have done, the previously dreaded swerve, hundreds of times - also in heavy rain, with speeds greatly exceeding required 31.2mph. The result? I have passed MOD1 on a day when it was raining and snowing! Guess what? After having such great instructors and so much time to practice, it was a piece of cake! Even though the roads were slippery. I have done emergency braking and swerve at required speeds on my first attempt - my intention was to try to use the first run as a practice and than speed up to required level, but even doing the exercises in the wet, at my "slow/practice" pace,was fast enough. MOD2 was equally easy - I have not been marked for even a minor riding fault! Quite a result for someone who previously failed twice! It's in large extent thanks to both of you and great training I received from you.

Looking back in time - I am glad that I have failed previously - because of that I had a chance to learn the basics right, from you, before starting to ride a motorbike. Because of that I am a much safer rider. At the same time, I know how much more there is still to learn. I will be back for advance cornering soon!

Advice to all people planning to get a motorbike licence soon or to those that feel like they might use some extra tuition: don't waste time and money on schools that don't teach you what they should do - how to be a safe and fast rider and have fun on motorcycle - this is exactly what you can learn from these guys! Highly recommended!

Thank you both once again. It's been great fun to learn from you. See you soon!

All the best,


John Langford's Review

Hi Sean

Thanks for your tuition last Tuesday, a thoroughly enjoyable day that has more importantly massively improved my confidence and therefore safety when riding. The advantage of your clear uncluttered advice and the opportunity to put it into practice on the safety of the circuit will I believe prove invaluable.


John Langford 24/3/2015

James Ferrier's Review

Hello Sean,

Thank you again for taking me through the 4 Day Direct Access course last week, it's amazing to think in just a few days I could have got to grips with the bike so well, without ever having sat on one in earnest before. The course was really well broken down, with the two days on the track first, and the road riding the next two days.

Even on the quick ride back to the track on Day 4 I could tell the skills from the track had translated to the road and made handling the bike that much more efficient, fun and safe.

The book 'Pass the Bike Test' should be mandatory reading, before and during the Direct Access course, such is the wisdom inside.

I heard of you from a personal recommendation, and I'll be passing it on to aspiring riders in the future also, a really top experience. I look forward to a track day sometime, hopefully up at Mallory Park.

All the best,

James Ferrier 25/3/2015

Miles Harley's Review

What a great day! Arrived at Mallory Park with my only real experience being a 125cc scooter that I’ve been using in London. We started with some classroom work but rather than it being the usual 'tell you what you need to know', this was really insightful stuff. There was 5 on the course and we led the discussion of what we wanted to cover. We all had lightbulb moments. Sean de-clutters the theory and just makes it simple and logical.

Within an hour though, we were on the bikes heading to the circuit. A 650cc is somewhat bigger than my Vespa but being on the track meant I didn’t have to worry about traffic. I could just take it easy and get used to the bike. For those that might be in a similar position to me, the experience of opening up the throttle was phenomenal. And on a track you can do just that.

I’d read other reviews prior to coming talking about Counter Steering and I just thought it was some jargon. That couldn’t be further from the truth. It completely changes how you turn into a corner and gives you so much more control. If I’d done my course on the roads, I’d simply never have done this. 30 minutes on a 650cc bike, and I’m going round a race track corner, leaning over, trying to get my knee out…then opening up out of the corner to 80mph+. Now, I realise this is slow for those that are experienced, but for an absolute amateur…well I could have just gone round corners all day. It was amazing! Not sure this would have been possible on the streets of London.

Both Sean and Sam took me pillion when I struggled with certain aspects. This was brilliant to really get a feel for what the bike was meant to be doing and how it should feel. Smooth gear changes. Leaning into a corner. Braking hard into corners. Without being pillion I would never have grasped these things.

Myth: Don’t break whilst cornering.
Reality: it’s safe if you follow Sean’s advise. Again, something else you simply can’t practise on a road.

Afternoon: All work on Modular 1 of Direct Access. Fantastic. Loads and loads of work on what you need for the test. Slalom, figure of 8, emergency stop, swerve etc. Sean and Sam were happy to let us practice as much as we all needed which was brilliant.

Still buzzing from the day. Going to sleep well tonight! Bring on Day 2.

Miles Harley 8th September 2015

Phil Buggin's Review

Sean / Sam / Dave/ Tim

I want to say that I really appreciate all the time and effort (and patience!) that you have invested in helping me learn to ride a motorbike competently and safely.
Compared with some of the younger chaps, I have been rather a slow learner. But now I feel properly equipped to ride with confidence. Your training not only gave me the knowledge and techniques and practical experience that I needed, but it also taught me how to get the 'feel' for the bike. And I enjoyed trying out a selection of the different bikes in your stable.
The course itself was well thought-out and professionally delivered. And clearly you both have a passion for what you do - I reckon that is what makes your courses so good. The course was great fun. I couldn't have enjoyed it more! Passing the test was just the icing on the cake. In fact it was a pleasant surprise to find even the examiners friendly and helpful!
Your book ("Pass the Bike Test") is a great reference tool - packed full of useful advice and hints and tips - and an entertaining read to boot! I think I will be referring to it often - even though I have passed my test.

Also - thanks for offering to help me with advice when I finally buy a bike.

I expect to be back before too long to have a go at the advanced cornering / knee-down courses.

Cheers - and thanks again.

Phil Buggins 19th January 2016

Paul's Review

Hi Sean,

Here’s a little review for your website:

I've just returned from my first driving lesson in 6 years - I don't think I could have picked a better place to have it.

Sean at Circuit Based Training was brilliant and tailored the lesson to suit me.

Having the lesson on track took a lot of pressure off me and made it really worthwhile and confidence inspiring.

On my way home I saw a learner driver stalled on a dual carriageway with a lorry behind them blasting his horn - I know where I would rather have my initial lessons until I was comfortable with being on the road!

Many Thanks again!


Sarah Kendrick's Review

The lesson was really helpful as I had never drove a car before. Learnt about how to start and stop a car, controlling a car, changing gears, turning corners and reversing round a corner in the space of an hour and 30 minutes. It's got me excited to get driving and I'm really thankful for the opportunity!
Sarah Kendrick. 22/12/2014

Hana Husain's Review

I had a great time at Circuit Based Training. This was my first driving lesson and I wasn’t very confident to start with, but the instructor, Sean, did well to make me feel at ease whilst driving. I also felt very relaxed as there were no other cars or people to be cautious about. I think that because of this, I was able to learn loads more in the one lesson that I had than if I was being taught on normal roads. And of course, the major bonus is that I got to drive on an actual motor race track! I’ll definitely be going again and would recommend these driving lessons to anyone who wants to learn quickly, in a comfortable environment.

Merry Christmas & happy new year!
Kind regards,
Hana Husain 23rd December 2014

Garry Knee Down Review

To Sean and Dave,

I would like to thank you guys for the priceless experience and confidence I gained for the advanced cornering course.

I learned so much that day, especially in the class that morning ,Shaun explanations on approach positioning , gearing and the correct method of steering etc made sense straight away and if it didn't make sense he took the time to find another method to explain to me until it made sense .

Whereas, the numerous times I have asked my brother and mates to explain how they corner because when we are riding they make it look so easy , none of their explanations made any sense to me .

My time on the track when far better than I expected , which was definitely down to the teaching methods and the advice given on track by Sean and Dave, as they observe your cornering whilst riding along side you .

And if that don't work as it didn't for me straight away , Shaun recommend a pavilion ride and for me being on the back whilst Shaun went up and down the track(extremely fast ) gave me the biggest insight to what cornering is really about .

I can't wait to go back to learn how to put my knee down 😎😎😎😎😎😎😎

Garry Cy 16/05/2015

Hi guys,

Just got back from your course. What a fantastic day! I learnt more from Sean in one day, than years of riding alone on the road. My advice to bikers thinking of upgrading your bike, forget it! Upgrade yourself and get some circuit based training. Thanks again guys.

Nick (red CBR).

7th May2009


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Circuit Based Training client review 2009

CBT motorbike training client review

Client review

John Handy


Hi Sean

I wanted to ride a motorbike for years, and finally decided to do something about it. I went to my local bike school (Big Mistake).

Anyway, i had a 5-day direct access course, after passing my CBT my trainer just shoved you on a 650 bike and said just follow me in which I did for 4 days, I never had any classroom work or any de-briefs on what I was doing wrong or any confidence boosting chats on what I was doing correctly, it was pretty awful really, anyway I went in for my for my Mod 1 test in which I passed.

Then I went to do my MOD 2 test which I did not feel confident at all as I knew I was going to struggle as I had not been prepared for it in any way by my instructor, the end result I failed

This time i did my homework, i found the training at Mallory Park, I read all the reviews about them and phoned them (Sean) to ask questions, I explained to Sean what I had and what I needed in which Sean reassured me they would take good care of me and my needs. My biggest worry (and I had lots) was lack of confidence, I needed to get it back.

WOW, these guys were just what i needed.

When I arrived at Mallory Pk I was made very welcome and met the other instructors and the candidates that was already half way through their training, WOW it was just so relaxing in which it just gave me confidence straight away, on my first morning I went onto the track (which is awesome by the way) I joined the other guys just doing a few laps of the circuit getting to know my bike but then I was pulled to one side to practice counter steering in which I had no clue as I was never taught this on my other course, and thanks to Tony I got it sorted in no time (and some scraps on my new boots lol).

Then I was in the hands of Dave (who was absolutely brilliant), I can honestly say in the first 2hrs of being there I learnt more than I did in the whole 4 days of my previous course (I know I keep on saying this but it was awesome), then me and Dave went out and about on the road around Leicester, well what can I say about Dave…. awesome bloke and a brilliant trainer, what he didn’t know or show you wasn’t worth knowing.

On my second day I went out with Dave and brushed up on a few things then met up with Sean and a couple of other guys that were doing there test the day after and I must say Sean is awesome on a bike and makes you feel so confident.

When we went to the test centre, the test examiner asked if I wanted Dave to follow on my test, in which I did and to be honest, when I looked in my mirrors all could see was Dave hanging back and his voice in my head reminding me all about road positioning and how to negotiate the road conditions and I passed so now my real learning is about to start.

So if you are thinking about getting on a bike you really can’t go wrong with these guys

They encourage you to try all the different bikes they have, they never push you, it’s all about going at your own pace, and feeling comfortable and safe. The classroom stuff, was so helpful too, showing you road positioning and so on. No question is too daft for them, they have heard it a million times over.

Clutch control is something the first school gave me two minutes on, then it was left up to me to find out how it worked. Dave finally made it make sense, and it’s a lot easier when you understand how it works and why.

Don’t make the mistake I made, thinking every bike school is the same, there is good and bad out there, find out all you can about the school, read the reviews people write. I’m not the type of person to write a review i usually can’t be bothered, but I think this is important, even if you decide not to go here, please be careful. If you’re going to do it, go with the best and these guys are THE VERY BEST.




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